Jackson EMC
Utility Products & ConstructionUtility Services
Reach us at our office 8 am-5pm, Mon-Fri; call us 7am-8pm, Mon-Fri; report outages anytime.
About Us
Jackson Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) serves more than 204,000 meters in 10 Northeast Georgia counties, providing reliable electricity at a reasonable price to both residential and commercial/industrial customers. Owned by the people it serves, Jackson EMC is a not-for-profit cooperative. For more than 40 years, Jackson EMC has actively promoted energy efficiency by providing its members with tools to help understand and manage their energy use, as well as Right Choice products that provide efficiency, comfort and years of savings with no sacrifice. Jackson EMC supports renewable energy through participation in the Green Power program. Through a joint venture company, EMC Security, the cooperative offers security systems for home and business, along with home technology products such as advanced home wiring, home theater, whole house audio and central vacuum systems.
The Jackson EMC Foundation offers members the opportunity to better their communities through Operation Round Up, which rounds up monthly electric bills and uses those funds for charitable grants to individuals and organizations.
Jackson EMC provides electric service for residences and businesses, energy efficiency products and services, and home and business security through EMC Security.
EMC Security offers advanced burglar and fire alarm systems that provide 24-hour watch over your family, home and possessions for as low as $16.95 per month.
Understanding where your energy dollar goes can help you get the most for it.
- Jackson EMC is a non-for-profit electric cooperative
- Reliable, reasonably priced electricity
- Energy efficient home products and services
- Commercial and industrial power quality and energy efficiency services
- Commercial and residential security services through our EMC security subsidiary